Derek Rogers at 'The Pelden Rose' Pub on the 15th of July 2024



This website was last updated on the 8th of January 2025




My name is Derek Rogers, I was born in 1987, I have an autistic spectrum disorder, and welcome to my website called 'DPR World'. The 'DPR' in 'DPR World' stands for my name, hence my middle name being 'Paul'. This website is about how I view the world from my perspective. Not only that, it also features Wikipedia links that you can click on so that they take you to various Wikipedia pages about some of the things such as people that get mentioned in this website should you want to know more about those things. It also features some YouTube videos embedded in various sections so that anyone viewing my website can watch and listen to any one of them just by simply clicking on them.


'DPR World' is also a play on the chain of computer shops called 'PC World'. I was going to call my website just 'DR World', again, hence my name being Derek Rogers, but in the end, I've had to call it 'DPR World' because I feared that people might misread it as 'DR World' as 'Doctor World'. There are seven sections on my website, the last three of which are about model buildings I have made out of used squash bottles.


Before I begin, feel free to contact me by email and tell me what you think of this website of mine.